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Facebook will launch the gaming app on Monday

Facebook will launch the gaming app on Monday.

People all over the world are confined to homes.

It is why home entertainment consumption is still rising.

According to US newspaper The New York Times, Facebook is launching a gaming app from Monday to take advantage of this increase in consumption by Home Entertainment.

Fidji Simo, head of the Facebook app, said in a statement that investing in gaming has become our top priority.

Because we think gaming is a lot of fun.

And in fact, it really engages people.

Mr. Fidji Simo said that gaming has grown tremendously due to quarantine.

Apple introduces a new iPhone SE

Apple introduces a new iPhone SE.

Apple introduce a new iPhone And this is the iPhone SE. For the first time since 2018, Apple has introduced the SE Series iPhone in the market.

This phone is similar to the 2017 Y iPhone 8 and the iPhone is available in three colors including red, white and black.

This 4.7-inch screen iPhone also has fingerprint recognition technology while face recognition is lacking.

This phone is similar to the iPhone 8 but the technology in it is similar to Apple's iPhone 11. It uses the same processor as the iPhone 11 Prova which is used in the iPhone 11 Pro.

The price of this new iPhone is also lower than the iPhone 11 and will be priced at US $ 399 and will be available from April 24.

Experts have said that by introducing a new low-cost phone, Apple could compete with lower-priced phones from companies like Samsung and Google.

The new iPhone SE also offers wireless charging

The demand for mobile phones in the world has declined due to Cod-19. But even so, companies are offering new models. OnePlus introduced its new models this week.

Apple warned in February that a lock-down in China could affect Apple's manufacturing and sales. Apple stores are closed in many countries of the world due to Corona.

While experts estimate that Apple's phone may sell two to two million units in the next six to nine months.

The new iPhone SE also offers wireless charging and has a 12 megapixel resolution camera. While the other camera's resolution is seven megapixels.

Science and Technology

Whats App closes rumors of Corona virus? Opted out of forwarding messages.

A Whats App company posted in a blog post due to the Corona-virus that a large number of messages have been forwarded. And more and more people are relying on the Whats App. Previously the message forwarding feature was introduced. Who double-switched on forwarded messages, indicating that this message was not sent by your loved one. Forward messages are now banned. And can no longer be sent to more than one person at a time.

The Whats App administration has not said that not all forward messages are based on rumors. But in the present case the forwarding option is restricted to only one chat to prevent the spread of rumors.

NASA's Main Announcement By The US Space Agency,

NASA's  Main Announcement By The US Space Agency

NASA's main announcement by the US space agency that it is sending space missions to the US mainland next month after nearly a ten-year hiatus on which humans will be traveling instead of robots.

The rocket and spacecraft will depart Florida's Kennedy Space Center on May 27 and take the astronauts to the International Space Center (ISS).

Both the rocket and the spacecraft are fully developed by SpaceX. This SpaceX tourist will orbit around the moon. In this way it will resume its return to human space travel. And it is expected that ordinary citizens will be able to travel to Mars in 2024.

It would be premature to talk about the International Space Station Prague night fare, Since 2011, NASA has been using Russian rockets for a mission to take humans into space.

If NASA's mission succeeds, it will be SpaceX's first private company, billionaire businessman Elon Musk, to send NASA astronauts into space.

Both the Falcon Nine rocket and the Crew Dragon spacecraft will depart from the Kennedy Space Center's historic launchpad 39A, where Apollo and other shuttle missions have flown in the past.

On this latest mission, astronauts Bob Bunken and Doug Hurley will depart for ISS where they will be able to arrive in just 24 hours.

At present, an American astronaut and two Russian cosmonauts are on the International Space Station.

Cats Have a Greater Influence

Cats Have a Greater Influence

Cats that roam the outdoors will generally stay close and beloved, greatly affecting the untamed life of the neighborhood.

Cats that roam outside will generally stay close and beloved, greatly affecting nearby untamed life.

What does a feline do outdoors during the day? As new research indicates, it could be negatively affecting untamed close life.

Further investigation of more than 900 domestic cats shows that when they kill small winged creatures and warm-blooded animals, their effect is concentrated in a small territory and has a greater impact than wild predators.

"Even though it seems like your feline isn't running as many, it really starts to include," said Roland Kays, a researcher at North Carolina State University and the North Carolina Museum of Natural Science. (To be completely honest: Kays is not a feline or canine individual, but a "ferret individual").

Trump promises new guidelines to reopen the country The coronavirus crisis Trump promises new guidelines to reopen the country

Kays and his associates gathered feline GPS information in six nations and found that most cats do not stray far from home.

At the time, Kays considered how much the cats run in that small territory. Some felines in the investigation brought home as many as 11 dead flying creatures, rodents, or reptiles a month, excluding what they ate or did not bring to their owners.

Imagine that cats can have the effect of a wild predator four to multiple times. Local predators, similar to wild cats, also execute a large number of small creatures, however, their effect spreads over a larger region.

Research finds that domestic cats, both local and untamed, are constantly killing billions of winged animals.

For people who won't keep their feline indoors, there are potential alternatives.

St. Lawrence University associate professor Susan Willson looked for one when she protected a feline known as "the gorilla." He was struggling with his different cats, however, when she left him outside, he brought home dead flying creatures.
Willson fired a bell, but his feline did not notice any impact. Then she found an exceptionally luxuriously nuanced neckline on the web.

NASA SpaceX Will Launch Two Astronauts

NASA SpaceX Will Launch Two Astronauts

Nine years after the last spacecraft flight, NASA plans to send two U.S.

space travelers aboard a SpaceX Crew Dragon case on May 27 for an excursion to the International Space Station, the office reported on Friday.

The remarkable dry run will herald the end of America's only dependence on Russia for essential space transportation.

Without referring to corona virus wellbeing conventions and the shutdown of numerous NASA focal points, office administrator Jim Bridenstine said in a tweet that the office was expecting "to gradually

deploy American space travelers on American missiles from American soil!

Bridenstine reported the highly anticipated objective shipping date hours after a Russian Soyuz ship transport brought two Americans - Jessica Meir and Drew Morgan - home from the space station,

and only eight days after space scientist Chris Cassidy delivered the last contracted Soyuz seat of the office to get to the laboratory complex.

He will be the only American on board the station until the SpaceX Crew Dragon appears.

Experienced transport space researchers Douglas Hurley and Robert Behnken, who are equipped with modern SpaceX pressure suits and drive onto the platform with a Tesla SUV, will launch from the

Center a Falcon 9 rocket at 4:32 p.m.

The thin two-phase sponsor legitimately climbs into the plane of the circle of the space station and unloads the suitcase to fly all alone about 10 minutes after launch.

After testing the missile route and manual control frames, the team will move in at around 11:30 a.m.

Cockpit-Crew1.Jpg Astronauts Robert Behnken (left) and Douglas Hurley will conduct an experimental exercise on the International Space Station on May 27, aboard a SpaceX Crew Dragon rocket.

The eagerly awaited crucial criterion is the primary orbital delivery of NASA spacecraft aboard a US rocket from American soil since the spacecraft's last voyage in July 2011. SpaceX

The space crew of the Dragon crew are invited on board by Cassidy, the station officer of Expedition 63, and the Russian cosmonauts Anatoly Ivanishin and Ivan Vagner, who were

driven by the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on April 9.

The flight is originally expected to take only 10 days or so.

group is present today and not so far away .

The decisive end with a splashdown in the Atlantic just before Cape Canaveral.

It will be the space explorer's most important splash since the joint Apollo-Soyuz decisive 1975.

Before the corona virus pandemic overcame the nation, NASA regulators expected huge numbers of writers to gather at the Kennedy Space Center on Florida's space coast for shipping.

It is not yet clear how this will affect social and other wellbeing conventions.

The focus on Florida space is currently limited to everything except for the basic workforce as part of NASA's COVID-19 response system.

Anyway, Bridenstine said in an ongoing meeting with Spaceflight Now.

The bosses, specialists and professionals trying to prepare the Crew Dragon and its Falcon 9 rocket for flight avoid potential risks.

In the event that a constructive instance of coronavirus is confirmed in the shipping group, "depending on where it is located and how the individual gets along with the job.

Truth About Green Tea and Weight loss

Green tea enthusiasts continually coo about how they like the flavor - invigorating, green and smoky - and the invigorating shade of the tea. In addition, some researchers, health and weight reduction specialists suggest that it can even help you get fitter.

So, could this herbal drink help you lose weight? Research on people and creatures focuses on a "genre" of resonance.

Before investigating what it entails, however, consider what green tea really is. It is produced using categories of plant animals similar to black tea, it is simply prepared unexpectedly. Also, as you've probably already seen, there are many varieties of green tea flavors. So, in case you tried it once and didn't love it, another brand could give you a completely unique understanding of the flavor.

And keeping in mind that there is no promise, it can lose weight (obviously, it can help you achieve a healthy weight in case you enjoy it with sugary soft drinks or sugary espresso drinks ), here is the reason why he could possibly support a piece:

Various clinical trials, few but decent, have found that overweight individuals who had green tea - either in a drinkable or a drop-in structure - lost more weight than those who did not. Science being science, there are also some studies that have shown no benefits or improvements in green tea drinks. Overall, "I would say it could humbly help," says Kristin Kirkpatrick, R.D.N., Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine consultant for the Cleveland Clinic.

In reviews which have found a weight reduction benefit in green tea, there has been a "weight loss trend" where tea consumers have "essentially" lost more. In any event, this is not normally an absolute change. A small survey at Oklahoma State University, for example, found that people who drank green tea or took extracted green tea lost about 1.3 pounds more than about two months longer than people who were drinking water. Some reviews suggest that even decaffeinated green tea may have an advantage.

Green tea can even help you lose intestinal fat

A more seasoned survey found that among those who ate regularly and practiced 180 minutes a week, those who drank a refreshment containing catechins, the most dynamic mixtures of green tea, had a rate of change in fat from stomach (abdominal fat) more conspicuous than people who got a catechin-free drink.

Why it can work

There are various speculations as to why green tea, especially the basic catechin called epigallocatechin gallate, could cause you to lose a lump in case you are hoping to lose weight.

"It is conceivable that the catechins in green tea could really restrict the processing and ingestion of sugar," said Kirkpatrick, referring to a report in the journal Scientific Reports which demonstrated lower carbohydrate retention after individuals have dropped a green tea extract.

Research is gradually finding that green tea changes the gut microbiome, and these progressions could be what makes it conducive to weight loss.

There may even be some evidence that black tea can also help with weight reduction.

Matcha can also help gain weight and swell fat

Kirkpatrick receives a lot of inquiries from customers about whether the popular matcha - the powdered variant of green tea - is as useful as the green tea leaves that come in tea bags or as free tea. In any case, add that it is reasonable to believe that it is just as useful, since green tea is made from the leaves of the plant and matcha is made from crushed plants.

While various reviews have looked at which green tea extracts are considered improvements, Kirkpatrick urges people to get their green tea from the real tea itself; "in the most imaginable structure."

T-Mobile Verizon and AT&T

Whether you're using T-Mobile, Verizon, or AT&T, the new OnePlus 8 and 8 Pro are likely to meet your network requirements, as phones currently support almost all 4G LTE and 5G bands covering a large area of ​​is transferred in the USA.

If you have a problem, here is a detailed guide to help you see how the phone behaves on each carrier's system.

Both OnePlus 8 and OnePlus 8 Pro are fully approved for use on the Verizon system and support all Verizon 4G groups, that is, groups 2, 4, 5, 13 and 66.

Both phones also take a look at Verizon's CDMA Heritage Arrangement.

The OnePlus 8 and 8 Pro are not at all like devices without CDMA on the Verizon system like some more established OnePlus devices like 7 Pro and 6T.

The CDMA BC0, 1 and 10 groups are fully reinforced and the two phones are fully secure for the Verizon system.

5G: Limited help (Verizon Model OP8, so to speak)

The 5G situation on the Verizon system compared to the OnePlus 8 is a bit confusing.

When you buy your OnePlus 8 from Verizon, this reinforces the small but expansive disposition of the owner mmWave 5G in the groups that are now delivered.

In any case, if you buy your OnePlus 8 from OnePlus or T-Mobile or bring your OnePlus 8 Pro to Verizon, none of these phone variants will support mmWave

5G from Verizon, which lives on the n261 band (and beyond) (n260).

It is eccentric for the reasons of the future sealing that the mmWave buffer will play a major role in the long term.

Verizon's mmWave arrangement is basically too small and impractical for the most versatile use cases, and we don't expect that to change in the next time.

In addition, Verizon is very likely to begin the process of "upgrading" from its current 4G LTE area to the 5G area in a year or two, opening up access

to 5G to a much wider base of supporters.

For the moment, we have no idea if OnePlus 8 and 8 Pro would improve this range.

However, we assume this is very likely (however, it will most likely require firmware updates for nearby phones).

The OnePlus 8 and 8P Pro used all of AT & T's 4G LTE groups which are now broadcast.

These groups are 2, 4, 5, 12, 17, 29, 30 and 66.

* A little hint: the OnePlus 8 and 8 Pro do not support the on-demand AT&T specialist FirstNet, LTE Organize (Volume 14), which is not accessible to customers anyway, because

this is generally insignificant for our overview here.

5G: no help (less than 6 GHz or mmWave)

Unfortunately, neither OnePlus 8 nor 8 Pro is confirmed for the 5G organization by AT&T and cannot be reached in this way as indicated by the analyzers.

It is conceivable that this may change later, but it seems unlikely.

The OnePlus 8 and 8 Pro will not deal with the current 5G organization of AT&T below 6 GHz, which is on the n5 band.

This system will be considerably extended by AT&T in the coming year and offers remarkably improved information speeds with a generally higher degree of inclusion.

In addition, neither the OnePlus 8 nor the OnePlus 8 Pro will take into account the exceptionally limited mmWave arrangement of AT&T on the n260 band without paying attention to

For reasons of future waterproofing, the mmWave cushion is unlikely to play a major role in the long term, as we recommend at Verizon.

The AT&T mmWave organization is fundamentally too small and inappropriately impractical for most multipurpose use cases, and we do not expect this to change for some time in the

In addition, it is very likely that AT&T will continue to "modernize" its current 4G LTE area to the 5G area over the next two years, which will result in

the inclusion of 5G for a much larger endorser.

iPhone Apple is not affected

Apple CEO Tim Cook said in a meeting.

"I'm not going to tell you that Apple is not affected," said Cook, but he seemed to reassure workers against workplace accidents, saying that Apple continued to pay its retail workers while the stores closed.

Cook said social separation and temperature controls should be acquired when stores reopen, and that coronavirus is an opportunity.

You can find more accounts on the Business Insider landing page.

Apple CEO Tim Cook held a virtual meeting with the entire organization on Thursday to investigate the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, according to Bloomberg.

Cook warned that Apple "is not invulnerable to general monetary patterns", but has focused on keeping the organization going by investing heavily in research and development, said Bloomberg.

When Cook received information about the layoffs from Apple specialists, he said the organization was in a healthy financial position and stressed that it had continued to pay its retail employees during the closure of its physical stores. "I will not tell you that Apple is not affected," added the CEO.

Apple relaunched its first store outside of China in South Korea on Thursday. Bloomberg reports that the organization hopes to revitalize its US operations in early May.

Cook said that once stores are reopened, social separation and temperature checks should be done, and a coronavirus test could also be done.

Cook also highlighted the deliveries of the new MacBook Air, iPad Pro and iPhone SE to prove that the organization of the pandemic does not stop the arrival of new items.

It seems to have indicated that shipping the items will be essential to Apple's emergency response process. He made reference to the fact that Apple responded to the money-related difficulties by unloading the first iMac in 1998 and the organization in 2010 after relieving the first slowdown of the iPad in 2008.